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Special Events & Fundraisers

Caesar Fest

Sunday, September 22nd    11:00 am—2:00 pm
Garden Grown Pickles? Cheese Curds? …. a Deviled Egg? What will this year’s Caesar Fest bring for toppings!?
Join local bars and restaurants in this incredible brunch-time event as they compete for the coveted “Best Caesar in Minot” award!
This event will take place in Downtown Minot, outdoors from 11 am to 2pm on Sunday, September 22nd.
Tickets are $60. Tickets must be purchased in advanced and will not be available at the door. Event will happen rain or shine. Tickets may be purchased online atΒ
πŸ‘‰Caesar Sampling & Competition
πŸ‘‰Live Music by Night Drive
πŸ‘‰Hot Dog Bar
πŸ‘‰Plant Cutting Bar
πŸ‘‰Plant Auction
πŸ‘‰Car Show
πŸ‘‰Meat Raffle
πŸ‘‰Silent Auction
Sponsored by:
Tito’s Handmade Vodka
The Landing Bar & Bottle Shop
Gooseneck Implement
Jessica Aardahl – State Farm Agent
First Western Bank and Trust

Companions for Children

Since 1972, Companions for Children has been providing mentors to children in the Minot and surrounding 15-mile area.


Blue Rider

There's no place quite like the Blue. Come for the friendly atmosphere, have a drink while you're here! And follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest happenings and live music!

savor: (verb) to enjoy completely.

Food, drink, and experience are the marrow of a place. They are each day partners to a life well-lived, and it's the unique, local businesses that give us the most to savor. SavorMinot is for them. For them to speak to you. Tell them you want to hear from them. Join our email list, follow us on social media.